Ergomaxx Set
CHF 244
Origineel: CHF 269 (9.29% off)
NEW ! Limited Ergomaxx Set Cherry Pompon with your favourite Ergomaxx and matching City Bag, Pencil Box Filled & Pencil Box.
Discover the Ergomaxx, the most ergonomic and durable backpack in the world for girls aged 6 to 10. The Cherry Pompon design is the all-time Jeune Premier bestseller. The combination with the gold, pink and cherries make it a real eye-catcher!
Discover the Ergomaxx, the most ergonomic and durable backpack in the world for girls aged 6 to 10. The Cherry Pompon design is the all-time Jeune Premier bestseller. The combination with the gold, pink and cherries make it a real eye-catcher!
Discover the Ergomaxx, the most ergonomic and durable backpack in the world for girls aged 6 to 10. The Cherry Pompon design is the all-time Jeune Premier bestseller. The combination with the gold, pink and cherries make it a real eye-catcher!
Discover the Ergomaxx, the most ergonomic and durable backpack in the world for girls aged 6 to 10. The Cherry Pompon design is the all-time Jeune Premier bestseller. The combination with the gold, pink and cherries make it a real eye-catcher!
Discover the Ergomaxx, the most ergonomic and durable backpack in the world for girls aged 6 to 10. The Cherry Pompon design is the all-time Jeune Premier bestseller. The combination with the gold, pink and cherries make it a real eye-catcher!
Discover the Ergomaxx, the most ergonomic and durable backpack in the world for girls aged 6 to 10. The Cherry Pompon design is the all-time Jeune Premier bestseller. The combination with the gold, pink and cherries make it a real eye-catcher!
Discover the Ergomaxx, the most ergonomic and durable backpack in the world for girls aged 6 to 10. The Cherry Pompon design is the all-time Jeune Premier bestseller. The combination with the gold, pink and cherries make it a real eye-catcher!
Discover the Ergomaxx, the most ergonomic and durable backpack in the world for girls aged 6 to 10. The Cherry Pompon design is the all-time Jeune Premier bestseller. The combination with the gold, pink and cherries make it a real eye-catcher!
Discover the Ergomaxx, the most ergonomic and durable backpack in the world for girls aged 6 to 10. The Cherry Pompon design is the all-time Jeune Premier bestseller. The combination with the gold, pink and cherries make it a real eye-catcher!
Ergomaxx Set - Cherry Pompon
Ergomaxx Set - Cherry Pompon
Ergomaxx Set - Cherry Pompon
Ergomaxx Set - Cherry Pompon
Discover the Ergomaxx, the most ergonomic and durable backpack in the world for girls aged 6 to 10. The Cherry Pompon design is the all-time Jeune Premier bestseller. The combination with the gold, pink and cherries make it a real eye-catcher!
NEW ! Limited Ergomaxx Set Cherry Pompon with your favourite Ergomaxx and matching City Bag, Pencil Box Filled & Pencil Box.
Discover the Ergomaxx, the most ergonomic and durable backpack in the world for girls aged 6 to 10. The Cherry Pompon design is the all-time Jeune Premier bestseller. The combination with the gold, pink and cherries make it a real eye-catcher!
Discover the Ergomaxx, the most ergonomic and durable backpack in the world for girls aged 6 to 10. The Cherry Pompon design is the all-time Jeune Premier bestseller. The combination with the gold, pink and cherries make it a real eye-catcher!
Discover the Ergomaxx, the most ergonomic and durable backpack in the world for girls aged 6 to 10. The Cherry Pompon design is the all-time Jeune Premier bestseller. The combination with the gold, pink and cherries make it a real eye-catcher!
Discover the Ergomaxx, the most ergonomic and durable backpack in the world for girls aged 6 to 10. The Cherry Pompon design is the all-time Jeune Premier bestseller. The combination with the gold, pink and cherries make it a real eye-catcher!
Discover the Ergomaxx, the most ergonomic and durable backpack in the world for girls aged 6 to 10. The Cherry Pompon design is the all-time Jeune Premier bestseller. The combination with the gold, pink and cherries make it a real eye-catcher!
Discover the Ergomaxx, the most ergonomic and durable backpack in the world for girls aged 6 to 10. The Cherry Pompon design is the all-time Jeune Premier bestseller. The combination with the gold, pink and cherries make it a real eye-catcher!
Discover the Ergomaxx, the most ergonomic and durable backpack in the world for girls aged 6 to 10. The Cherry Pompon design is the all-time Jeune Premier bestseller. The combination with the gold, pink and cherries make it a real eye-catcher!
Discover the Ergomaxx, the most ergonomic and durable backpack in the world for girls aged 6 to 10. The Cherry Pompon design is the all-time Jeune Premier bestseller. The combination with the gold, pink and cherries make it a real eye-catcher!
Discover the Ergomaxx, the most ergonomic and durable backpack in the world for girls aged 6 to 10. The Cherry Pompon design is the all-time Jeune Premier bestseller. The combination with the gold, pink and cherries make it a real eye-catcher!
Ergomaxx Set - Cherry Pompon
Ergomaxx Set - Cherry Pompon
Ergomaxx Set - Cherry Pompon
Ergomaxx Set - Cherry Pompon
Discover the Ergomaxx, the most ergonomic and durable backpack in the world for girls aged 6 to 10. The Cherry Pompon design is the all-time Jeune Premier bestseller. The combination with the gold, pink and cherries make it a real eye-catcher!
Ergomaxx Set - Cherry Pompon

Ergomaxx Set

CHF 244
Origineel: CHF 269 (9.29% off)

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Tempi di consegna standard 2-4 giorni lavorativi .

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Caratteristiche Ergomaxx Set

NUOVO ! Set Ergomaxx limitato con il tuo Ergomaxx preferito e borsa da città, astuccio pieno e astuccio coordinato


Design: Cherry Pompon


Materiale e istruzioni di lavaggio

  • Materiale: Tutti i nostri tessuti tecnici sono realizzati con bottiglie in PET riciclate e completamente idrorepellenti. Tutti i nostri prodotti sono 100% vegani e sono stati ampiamente testati per la presenza di sostanze nocive!
  • Liner: Poliestere
  • Manutenzione: Rendi la tua borsa come nuova in un attimo con Jeune Premier Cleaner su un panno bianco!

Età e forma fisica

  • Età: 6 - 10 anni
  • 90 cm - 1 m50

Dimensioni e volume

  • Peso: 1250,0 gr
  • Altezza: 41,0 cm
  • Profondità: 16,0 cm
  • Larghezza: 27,0 cm


  • Zaino Ergomaxx
  • Borsa da città
  • Scatola Pencol
  • Astuccio riempito:
    12 pastelli.
    10 marcatori.
    2 matite.
    1 gomma.
    1 Temperamatite.
    1 righello.
    1 forbici
    1 penna

NUOVO ! Set Ergomaxx limitato con il tuo Ergomaxx preferito e borsa da città, astuccio pieno e astuccio coordinato


Design: Cherry Pompon


Materiale e istruzioni di lavaggio

NEW ! Limited Ergomaxx Set Cherry Pompon with your favourite Ergomaxx and matching City Bag, Pencil Box Filled & Pencil Box.
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